Schlagwort: European Youth Guarantee

Reinforcing the European Youth Employment Policy through the European Green Deal

Reinforcing the European Youth Employment Policy

Memorandum submitted to the European Commission by World Future Council [1], the project YESclima in the European Climate Initiative “EUKI” [2] and the BMBF funded project GRÆDUCATION [3]     The following proposal refers to the outstanding tasks of the member states to elaborate programmes on how to apply the European Youth Guarantee and the …


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Qualification Offensive for Climate Protection

A Proposal concerning the European Youth Guarantee 1. Youth for a sustainable future The climate crisis does not allow a postponement of action. When the tipping points towards selfreinforcing global warming are approaching, rapid and drastic measures are called for. Not at some point or other, but here and now. Climate protection requires commitment, but …


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Youths working for a sustainable Europe – How to improve the European Youth Guarantee

Young energy consultants in a small Andalusian town / Junge Energieberater*innen in einer andalusischen Kleinstadt

For more than 10 years now, an unacceptable number of young Europeans are unemployed. Many of them are hindered to practise the profession for which they have been trained and find themselves either locked out of paid work or employed only short time under poor working conditions. Young people in southern Europe are most severely …


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